Let me set the scene. You’re on the budget overnight bus, which is a steal at only $11 for a 15 hour journey. The problem? There is only one stop, and that was a few hours ago. Your water bottle is now empty and your bladder is full. There’s no bathroom on the bus. What do you do? If you’re a man- you whip it out and fill that bottle back up.

Us ladies simply don’t have that ability… or do we? Hold your horses, because the Female Urination Device(FUD) is coming to the relieving-yourself-rescue.

female urination device

not to be confused with a beer bong

Straight from the pStyle site “the pStyle is a device that allows women to pee standing up without undressing. Because it’s made up of rigid plastic, it’s easily maneuvered through clothing. The unique funnel shape directs the flow away from the body. The rounded back edge can be used to wipe, so there are no drips!”

Here are a the three main models that I am interested in: The Shepee  The Go-Girl and the pStyle .

Naturally, I wrote to these companies so that I can give their product a whirl — ready?

Here’s the first time I ever peed standing up What the FUD?  And this is where I tell you which FUD has your back and which one’s going to leave you accidentally peeing on yourself a little bit…


Have you tried a FUD? Would you? Let’s hear your thoughts and comments girls.


Thank you for stopping by, and please feel free to contact me with any questions or suggestions you have! Do you feel all pumped up and ready to hit the road? Go ahead and check everything off your backpacking list and live your dreams. :) Looking for more travel inspiration? Make sure to join our monthly newsletter which includes new travel resources, a photo essay and always something fun; even if you can't hit the road yet, I'll bring you traveling with me. Sign up now above! For all the legalese on the site check out My Disclaimer. Old Paper by

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