23 Weeks Has Taught Me More Than 24 Years

Granda, Nicaragua

When was the last time YOU smiled like that?

That’s the total amount of time I have spent traveling out of the country. That’s it! I am 24 years old and the year is 2009. Less than 1 week per year of my life has been spent traveling, and yet- it has moved me in ways nothing else in my life has.

Travel has made me kinder, more understanding of others, it has taught me there IS a bigger picture, it has taught me that I don’t know as much as I thought I did.

It has also shown me things I never wanted to see.
Starving, barefoot, dirty children with weapons trying to make a living at 7 or 8 years old.
People being shot in front of you.
Animals dying because they cannot be cared for.

It has shown me the extremes of the world, and for that, I am SO thankful.
I am no longer content to sit in my cubicle of the world and pretend these things don’t happen. I want to see it all.

I don’t have a plan to change the world. I don’t know the answer to solving everyone’s problems right now, but the more I see these problems and understand them, the more I am at least personally able to ensure I do my part (small though it is) to make this world a better place.

One more child with shoes and dinner, one more homeless man with a cup of coffee in the morning, one more woman who needs help, helped.

It has taught me appreciation for what I have, and also to understand I don’t need these things to live.

I have learned all these things, and been changed by them so very deeply in only 23 weeks of my life, that I cannot imagine how my next journey- which could take me years- will change the person I am.

I am not a saint. I am not Mother Teresa. I am not special any more than you are.

I am open though- to change, to life, to love, and all the experiences that await me outside my doorstep.

Follow me, or join me, friends… this world is ours for the taking.

Brandy Bell loves adventuring around the world. She's been a solo female traveler since 2006 and has visited over 25 countries, made countless international friends, and now writes to inspire you to travel in a sustainable and responsible way.

'23 Weeks Has Taught Me More Than 24 Years' have 7 comments

  1. January 9, 2010 @ 9:06 pm Adam

    Well put!


  2. January 9, 2010 @ 9:28 pm GotPassport

    Beautiful!! just beautiful.


    • January 9, 2010 @ 10:07 pm livevicuriously

      as is your journey! I cant wait to see where it takes us. 🙂


  3. January 9, 2010 @ 9:41 pm Suzi

    You’re so wise for someone so young! You say “I am open though . . .” – I think that’s life’s little secret that we all have to learn!

    How has travel changed me in 140 characters or less:

    “Major travel lesson 4 me? Ppl everywhere R the same, even when they seem different & there’s so much beauty in the world!”

    Cheers, Suzi


    • January 9, 2010 @ 10:10 pm livevicuriously

      thank you for sharing your thoughts- I love it- it is SO true. We are all humans and want and need the same things.


  4. January 10, 2010 @ 7:38 am Paula Swenson

    To possess an open mind and an open heart is to be the richest woman alive … namaste … peace and joy go with you on your journey, Brandy.


    • January 10, 2010 @ 9:39 pm livevicuriously

      you never cease to amaze me with the kind, thoughtful, and always inspiring words, Paula. much love to you and Steve. we will meet again, my friends.


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