The B word.

The word that strikes fear into the heart of all travelers: Budget.

Like anything else, there’s a million ways to make a budget, and a trillion ways to break them.

Here are some of my personal budget travel tips:


Do not take your wallet out drinking

The fastest way to drain your cash is to have it all at hand while you’re tossing back a few brews.

Sure you went into the pub with the intention of only having two beers, but after those first two, the money comes out much easier. Next thing you know you’re buying the roses from the flower guy, you’re buying the hats with the flashing lights, and everyone at your table is getting a round… of doubles! The next morning you’re left with a bunch of coins and drool stuck to your face, and not much else- definitely not a memory of where the night before (and your cash) went.

Only bring out as much as you can spend that night. You will spend it. You’re also a much easier target for pickpocketing when you’re intoxicated and that sexy fella (or lady!) is chatting you up. Both eyes locked on them leaves no eyes on your belongings. I reiterate, do not take your wallet out drinking.


Barter, Walk away, Barter, Walk away, Win.


Gotta have that hand carved warrior mask to bring home and show to all your friends? If your heart is set on buying something, make sure you apply the rules of bartering. Depending on the local norms, bartering can be seen as a great game and way to make both parties happy, or you could insult someone and wind up looking like a jackass. Be sure to check on these customs before you arrive.


New to bartering? We all were at some point. I’ll show you how I rock the barter.
Let’s take it line by line.

Word of Caution: do NOT barter with someone and name a price you’re not going to pay.
Do not barter with someone if you have no intention of purchasing. This is extremely rude, wastes time, and provokes shouting.

Vendor: You like? 35 dollar for you, friend price.

Savvy Backpacker: It’s alright… but, I can’t afford 35. I’m a student. 15?
(you know you can’t have it for $15, you’re shooting for $20)

Vendor: oh no, this too cheap. $35 is friend price… but, I like you, you can have for only $30.

Savvy Backpacker: ooh. Still too expensive for me. It’s a great piece of art though, thank you. *walk away*

– in this tense moment of time, you are tempted to turn around and buy it for $30. The monetary devil on your shoulder assures you “it’s still a steal! Only $30… he was giving me the friend price!”

Rest easy. If he’s up for bartering, you will hear this noise in the next few seconds-


Vendor: wait, my friend, okay wait. $25 final price. The best price.

Savvy Backpacker: (pull out a $20) this is all I’ve got. $20?

Vendor: ohhhh too cheap. No, it’s too cheap.

Savvy Backpacker: okay, have a nice day. *walk away*


-out comes money devil. “$25! That’s unbelievable, back home it would cost at least $100… maybe even more at Pier 1.”
Be patient. You will likely be called back with the following-


Vendor: okay my friend, I do it for $20, but you don’t tell anyone okay? I lose money!

Savvy Backpacker: You’ve got a deal. Thank you!


If you’re not called back because you’ve low-balled the vendor, do not panic. In the event you were actually willing to pay $25 you can always walk back to the shop in ten minutes, swallow your pride and make your purchase. You will often find that in a marketplace, there will be a stall 5 minutes walk that sells the same thing. Try your luck there. Bartering should be fun, don’t take yourself too seriously.


Also, while bartering is a large past time and simply a part of the culture in many countries, remember that while you may be saving $1 that could be a whole day’s wages for the person you’re bartering against. Better to pay a fair price and not haggle over an amount that’s not going to matter to you in the long run.


Spoil Your Dinner

Your momma said not to do it, but Brandy says spoil your dinner! Oftentimes you will be forced (or invited) to dinner with friends in restaurants that are more expensive than you’re hoping to pay. Eat a piece of fruit before meeting up, and then you’re able to order an appetizer from the menu, which is usually smaller in size and price. You still get the atmosphere of dining out, the chance to socialize with new friends, and all for a lower fee. Winning.


Go with Locals


Newsflash: tourists pay more. Yes, it’s unfair and it makes us whine: “ugh, I know they charge locals less in places like this!”. Truthfully? Locals probably don’t eat where you’re sitting. If there’s an English menu and you’re not in an English speaking country, you’re at a tourist restaurant and will pay accordingly.

Make local friends to stay with on Couchsurfing, or ask the worker in your hostel where he likes to eat. You might need help ordering, good thing you came with friends! You’ll see, the prices and food will be much different than the tourist restaurants you’ve tried in the past.

Tip: If you’re dining alone and aren’t able to communicate your food desires due to language barriers, simply get up, point to other people’s food and nod your head. Preferably smile and rub your tummy at the same time.

STAYDU Social Travel 

StayDu is a new social site that combines the free, budget, and work exchange ideas and makes them social. It’s like HelpX meets Couchsurfing meets Airbnb. Read all about it, here.

Hospitality Exchange

Hospitality Exchange is just that. A directory of people from over 25 countries, who are opening their homes and hearts to traveling souls. You’re able to search by interests, to browse for the perfect host. This site will require more forethought and time in searching for a host (unless host specifies they take last minute requests) but the quality of relationships cultivated is geared towards longevity.

In case you’re planning on being somewhere where there is no internet- yes, these places still exist on our planet- Hospitality Exchange will provide a printed host directory, replete with phone numbers, so you’re able to work offline. Go on, try it.


 Global Freeloaders

The site says it best: Global Freeloaders is an online community, bringing people together to offer you free accommodation all over the world. Save money and make new friends whilst seeing the world from a local’s perspective!

Adam’s got the idea down pat, and his site has a great FAQ in case you’re still leery of the idea of curling up on someone’s sofa. Also, much respect to him for requesting that only people who will be able to host within six months sign up- there must be a balance of giving and taking.



“With every true friendship, we build the basis for World Peace.” With a tag line like that, how could you not want to try it? This association was founded in 1949 on the basis of working towards World Peace by connecting the planet on the very simple level of friendship. Just like the other hospitality sites they have a host of hosts and plenty of travelers who are interested in building lasting relationships. Free hospitality at its finest.


This organization captured my heart from the moment I read their mission statement. I believe wholeheartedly in the intrinsic goodness of human beings, and this is a prime example to showcase this. Again, they say it best: “Join us. Open a door. Knock on another. Get Involved.” It’s your world, too.


Hospitality Club

Hospitality Club is a wonderful resource for people seeking free accommodation while traveling. With over 320,000 members Hospitality Club is the largest online hospitality exchange organization. It costs nothing to enroll, create a profile, and start getting hosted, or hosting. As their mission statement declares, this is a way to bring travelers to locals, to strengthen intercultural understanding and strengthen peace on our planet.

Peace on our planet by staying at someone’s house for free? Yes, please! What more incentive do you need? As with all free hospitality exchanges, please remember to give something back to your host. This does not mean an offer of money; but no one ever turned down a bit of house keeping or prepping a delicious meal. Do what you can, when you can, where you are.


Friends of Friends- Acquaintances of a friend’s friend. Use social media to reach out: Twitter, Facebook, Emails. Let everyone know where you are, where you will be going and where you dream of going.

Odds are someone will be able to get you in contact with a person who might have a place to crash, or at the very least, show you around their city. The more people you know- the better your odds of having the hookup! Be friendly, be genuine, be entertaining- homes and hearts will be open to you before you know it.

Street Sleeping

It’s not glamorous or comfortable, but it happens. You are sore in the morning, you look like a train wreck, you wonder why there are bootprints on your face and pray the pile of drool on your shirt is your own. (Seriously, how did the bootprint get on my face?). Pop 2 Excedrin PM and wake up in exactly 7 hours ready to see the city!
If you are gonna tramp it up this way, please use some common sense. Bus or train stations (well lit ones), in front of churches, or near hospitals or other public places are usually the best option. It’s only one night of your life, and let’s be real- you’ve probably slept weirder places when you’re drunk… or is that just me?

Get a Hobby


I dislike the word hobby, it reminds me of dank, old hobby shops with windows that are never opened and an owner who hasn’t moved from their stool since the 1950’s. It doesn’t have to be this way! Here’s a list of free things to do anywhere in the world to bring yourself much amusement, and perhaps achieve personal growth.


Combine any of the below excursions with the top three free travel activities: photography, journaling, and people watching and there is no end to the hours of entertainment you can enjoy.


Park Hopping: Fresh air, exercise, learning local plants, getting a tan, there’s no end to the benefits of spending some time in the great outdoors. Plan ahead and bring a picnic lunch and you can save money on your meal, too. Many parks around the world have hidden gems in the form of statues, botanical gardens, and wildlife information. Check the wikitravel page of your destination to know before you go.


Cemetery Creeping: Sure it sounds morbid, but it’s a fact that cemeteries have some of the greatest mini architectural scores in town. You probably won’t run into other tourists, and reading the gravestones can prove infinitely interesting.

At the very least, you can spend that time being grateful that you are above ground. Please act with proper decorum, there are likely to be grieving people near you, and while you may be a culture vulture and watch the processions, don’t be disrespectful.


Smile Scoring: It’s a simple game and can be played alone or with friends. See how many smiles you can get in the course of 30 minutes. You have to offer one up yourself, and might be surprised where it takes you. Playing all by yourself? Try to beat your personal score of last time. Personal best: 47 smiles in 30 minutes.


Learn the Language: No, it doesn’t have to cost anything. Many locals are happy to help those eager to practice their tongue. Find someone sitting alone at a coffee shop, if they appear open to a conversation, sit down and start taking notes. You will learn a few key phrases and make a new friend. Break out of your barriers. A few websites / apps that I find particularly useful are DuoLingo and fluentinthreemonths.com. Check them out and get on your way to learning!



Thank you for stopping by, and please feel free to contact me with any questions or suggestions you have! Do you feel all pumped up and ready to hit the road? Go ahead and check everything off your backpacking list and live your dreams. :) Looking for more travel inspiration? Make sure to join our monthly newsletter which includes new travel resources, a photo essay and always something fun; even if you can't hit the road yet, I'll bring you traveling with me. Sign up now above! For all the legalese on the site check out My Disclaimer. Old Paper by ThunderThemes.net

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It's One World. Travel.
Brandy Bell
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