Ritz Suite Overlooking Prado Museum

The Suite Life at The Ritz, Madrid

Though it was chilly, it was the perfect time of year for our stay at The Ritz, Madrid. The leaves of the Ginkgo tree across the street from the entrance were backlit by the sun setting behind the Royal Palace; the branches proffered golden tree stars gently falling to carpet our feet. The doorman gave a push start to the circular door and we were inside.

Check-in was a breeze and the kind staff notified us that we had been upgraded from a traditional room to the suite overlooking the Prado Museum. He handed us two keys, Room 410 and 411, so we could enter into the sitting room or directly to the bedroom.

Settling into the Sunny Salon

The salon was perfect in every sense, double doors opened into a room lit by the last moments of the winter sun. A fresh fruit platter on the coffee table waited for us with a welcome note from the general manager. Immediately, we felt at home.

We ducked out for a moment to take a walk on the Paseo de la Castellana and when we arrived there was a bottle of cava on ice. A lovely touch from the manager — but what made it truly special is that the back of the bottle noted that this was an organic and vegan cava. Like most things at The Ritz, Madrid, there is no detail which does not suit you personally.

Well, what more can be said for when you have a perfectly chilled bottle of cava, a platter of fresh fruit, and a bedroom at The Ritz? It was a truly memorable evening.

The morning sunshine crept in, and the slippers and mat laid out by the turn-down staff were a perfectly cushiony way to wake up. Wrapped in a robe Maddy came back into the bedroom with a fresh coffee for me, and Earl Grey for him. We sipped our way back to a caffeinated state and made our way downstairs for breakfast.

Up Early For The Best Breakfast

I shouldn’t have been surprised — but I was — that there were several types of green smoothies on offer. Maddy chose a delicious berry smoothie and I went for a kale and spinach concoction. Mmm.

We decided to skip the mimosas, last night’s cava was still with me, but a carafe of freshly squeezed orange juice was the perfect pairing for our breakfast. It’s served buffet style (or a la carte if you prefer) and there were plenty of vegan options for us to choose from.

“This is the most delicious asparagus I’ve ever had in my life, ” said Maddy, as he cut into yet another stalk. Shortly after it was quickly followed by “this is the best granola in the world”, served with steamed soy milk, natch.

As for me, how could I resist a cafe con leche now that I was back in my beloved Madrid? After breakfast, we soaked up some sun while taking the typical Sunday stroll that bewitches Spain, but it was nearly time for these Domingueros to check out, and head off to our next adventure in downtown Madrid: a vegan cooking course!

What a treat it was to enjoy the warm and flawless hospitality of The Ritz, Madrid. We’re so thankful for the stay and the gracious hosting by Christian Tavelli and his entire team of Ladies and Gentlemen.

Brandy Bell loves adventuring around the world. She's been a solo female traveler since 2006 and has visited over 25 countries, made countless international friends, and now writes to inspire you to travel in a sustainable and responsible way.

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It's One World. Travel.
Ritz Suite Overlooking Prado Museum
Brandy Bell
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