
Do You Make One Of These Obnoxious Hostel Mistakes?

[quote] Brandy says : I had the pleasure of meeting Amy Sharaf in Madrid, Spain this year and was blown away by her wonderful tales and sense of humor.

Amy is a hard core solo female traveler, who prefers the solitary challenges of travel to following the herd. Fluent in four languages, with a solid appetite for life (and food!) Amy is a wonderful woman, and I am so pleased to share her top hostel pet peeves with you!

Keep your eyes peeled, Amy will be reporting back with other amazing articles covering the weird and wacky things of this world. [/quote]


Budget travel is usually synonymous with hostels. Whether backpacking for months on end or escaping for a quick weekend, unless you’ve got cash to burn, hostels are on the itinerary. While they’re one of the cheapest and best ways to meet people and join pre-planned activities like dinners, tours and daytrips, hostel life comes with a major downside: obnoxious dorm-mates.


Hostel for budget travel photo: axonmanage

Don’t get me wrong, I have stayed in more than 40 hostels worldwide and have made life-long friends as a result, but I have also met the roommates from hell. Here are five tips to make the most of your experience and not be that guy/girl:

1. Don’t Be A Waking Nightmare

If you’re going out at night and you know you’ll be back late, set out everything you’ll need when you get back beforehand (ie: pajamas, toothbrush etc.). You may think you’re being quiet while drunkenly rummaging through your things at 4 am but you’re not. And for the love of God DO NOT turn on the light. Your roommates shouldn’t have to be woken up because you were too lazy to have things ready. It makes life easier for everyone if you’re prepared.


Hostel photo: Sam@flickr

2. Don’t Be a Human Alarm Clock

Ditto for checking out early. If you know you’ve got to leave at 5 am to catch a bus to Prague, pack your things before going to bed. Not only do you get to sleep in a bit, you can head out much quicker. Pack a flashlight or use your phone if you need a little bit of light.

3. Keep It In Your Pants – Or Private Room

So you meet the (temporary) love of your life at X bar/disco/coffeeshop/museum and you decide to bring him/her back to your hostel. You only live once, right? WRONG.

The idea of being gently rocked to sleep is amazing if you’re a baby,not so much if you’re the person asleep on the bottom bunk while the bed above you is swaying. Aside from the infinite hygiene concerns, lack of privacy and the fact that you’re probably

breaking numerous hostel rules, are you really going to be that selfish? Have respect for the other people in the room who did NOT sign up for that.

4. Take What You’re Given

See that locker that is kind of annoying to reach? Well guess what, it’s yours. Oh, you wanted the one that’s over there? Well, too bad. Stick to the one you are assigned, not the one that’s most convenient for you. Oh, and be glad you even have a locker as many hostels don’t offer them. Same deal for beds; if you have an assigned bed DO NOT switch it without getting permission from reception. If beds aren’t assigned then have at it, assuming you choose one that isn’t already taken of course.

5. Not Your Momma!

Maybe you’re naturally messy, or someone cleans up after you but do not leave your stuff (especially dirty laundry!) all over the room. It’s disgusting and a tripping hazard for the roomie rolling in at 4 am in the dark.

Hostel dorm rooms are meant to be a community space where you can meet other like minded (and like budgeted) travelers and make long lasting connections. Being a good roomie will ensure that you have the best possible experience. What hostel mistakes ruffle your feathers??
[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’]http://itsoneworldtravel.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Amy.jpg[/author_image] [author_info]

About: Amy Sharaf

She likes to go with the flow and see where she ends up. She’s a hard-core planner but once she has seen everything she wanted to, it’s fair game.

Unplanned day trips, excursions, or just extra time aimlessly wandering the streets or people watching are what keep her occupied. Usually a balance of busy days and relaxing ones helps break up the flow, especially during lengthy trips. Get to know more about Amy here. [/author_info] [/author]

Brandy Bell loves adventuring around the world. She's been a solo female traveler since 2006 and has visited over 25 countries, made countless international friends, and now writes to inspire you to travel in a sustainable and responsible way.

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