going to morocco on round the world trip

When life hands you lemons, go to Morocco

going to morocco on round the world trip

The Blue City, Chefchauen, Morocco
photo: casualien

Four days after getting my pockets emptied in Logrono, Spain- I am still here! Waiting on my bank to rush my ATM card, so that I have the funds to get to the embassy in Madrid and hopefully obtain a passport in time for the wedding in the Canary Islands.

My flight to the islands leaves the 31st (the next flight isn’t until the 6th, the day AFTER the wedding) and it’s supposed to take 7 business days to get the passport. The fact I have no identification makes it a little tricky, but I am crossing my fingers and believing it will all work out the way it’s supposed to.

As my last post said, I can’t afford to stay in Europe even with the economy nose diving- it’s too expensive for a backpackers budget that just got slashed in half. I asked myself where I wanted to go, and the truth is it doesn’t matter to me. I will make it around to every place I dream of eventually- the order is not what’s important, it’s the experience. Right now, a place that will allow me to see the world on a fringe of a shoestring budget (yeah, what now Lonely Planet?) is exactly what I need.

SkyScanner is a great website that lets you check flights from wherever you are to anywhere in the world. Simply enter the airport (or country) you want to leave from, and select a month- and it finds you flights anywhere in the world in order of price… amazing! I entered Madrid, for the month of June, and one way ticket. Then I closed my eyes to imagine what possibilities could be popping up on my screen in a second. First listing, Morocco a flight including taxes and fees for 12 euro.

I’ve had Morocco on my list for 6 years now. I remember the moment I flipped through a National Geographic and saw the red henna stained hands of a woman resting on blue tiles in the entirely blue city of Chefchaouen, Morocco. I blinked slowly and felt myself in the city, listening to the silence of the streets through this photo. So when SkyScanner gave me a price of 12 euro to get to this land I have dreamed of- I couldn’t help but break out into a smile, and then a full blown laugh.

Sometimes things work out the way they are supposed to. I don’t know how long it would have taken me to get to Morocco if I hadn’t been robbed Thursday- but I know that because that unfortunate instance occurred I will be in this magical country in less than a month. Yes, Morocco in the Summer- I’m just that crazy.

So, to that end- if ANYONE reading this knows ANYONE in Morocco who might be able to help me find a flat or a camel to rent (what? Im serious!) for a few months, I’d be terribly appreciative of the intro- even if it doesn’t pan out, making friends in the country I am heading to is always on my list! Thank you, Merci, Gracias, Efharisto, Shukran.

Brandy Bell loves adventuring around the world. She's been a solo female traveler since 2006 and has visited over 25 countries, made countless international friends, and now writes to inspire you to travel in a sustainable and responsible way.

'When life hands you lemons, go to Morocco' have 11 comments

  1. May 18, 2010 @ 5:19 pm Hydrojen

    What City do you fly into in Morocco?


  2. May 18, 2010 @ 7:09 pm Abby

    I lived in the south of Spain and still never made it to Morocco. I’ll be holding on to every word! Have fun!!


  3. May 18, 2010 @ 8:17 pm Patrick Bennett

    Hey, Morocco is fantastic! I managed to spend a month there last Summer trekking across the high Atlas Mountains among the friendly and inviting Berber people. Of course, Marrakesh was amazing, too.

    The only person I can point you towards is a guy I spent a week with near the desert on the Eastern side of Morocco, across the mountains. His name was Brahim and he worked at Kanz Erremal. After just the first day, my travel partner and I had already started calling him Mr. Can Do. There was nothing he couldn’t figure out for us. He even arranged a truly memorable overnight drive from Merzouga to Casablanca with some old village man in his beatup old BMW… It took around 12 hours!

    Some photos here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/pbmaxx/map/?photo=3861589207&zl=1

    And should your travels take you to the Caribbean, let us know at http://www.uncommoncaribbean.com

    Good luck!


    • May 18, 2010 @ 8:34 pm livevicuriously

      Oh my gosh! Merzouga is SO High on my list… I really cant wait to be there. excited for photos… and of course I will be coming Caribbean at least once 😉


      • May 18, 2010 @ 8:59 pm Patrick Bennett

        If you’d like Brahim’s email drop me an email and I’ll introduce you.


  4. May 18, 2010 @ 8:29 pm GotPassport

    I really hope everything works out for you, Brandy. Just give us a shout on twitter or FB and we’ll do our best to help with what we can. That’s the least we can do.

    Can’t go wrong with using social media to help our on-line friends!

    Take care!


    • May 18, 2010 @ 8:35 pm livevicuriously

      Aye, you’re so helpful- you truly make twitter an enjoyable place. I wish you all the goodness you extend to others to come back on you one hundred fold. 🙂 xoxo


  5. May 18, 2010 @ 9:37 pm Steve Kramer

    In Istanbul, it only took 4 days to get my new passport.
    They can do expedited processing, but it costs extra.
    Much depends on how often they send a pouch to Washington.

    p.s. Would LOVE to be going to Morocco with you.


  6. May 18, 2010 @ 10:35 pm Adam

    Oh Brandy! I’m so glad that you’re making the best of this. And, Morocco has been on my list for a while, too, which is why I’m psyched to be there in just a few weeks. Maybe we can manage to meet there!


  7. May 20, 2010 @ 12:19 pm Andy Robertson


    I was forwarded your info via twitter and might be able to help you out. I’ve been living in Marrakech for the past 9 months and run an adventure activities company. Feel free to get in touch and I’ll see what I can help you with,



  8. May 21, 2010 @ 1:05 pm Have Pack, Will Travel

    I’m sure you’ll love Morocco. I was there two years ago and I’m heading back this July.

    I know a couple of people in Casablanca I can point you to, but you probably won’t want to spend much time there.

    Pension Znika in Chefchaouen is affordable and very nice. I can’t remember how much I paid but it was dirt cheap for how clean it was. Chefchaouen was definitely the highlight 🙂

    If you’re in CouchSurfing hit me up there and I’ll point you towards the Casablanca people I know. My username on CS is “jeffery”


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going to morocco on round the world trip
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