If you don’t know what a FUD is, back up and read this article about whizzing like a.. well, a man. But today I have to figure out which product of these two is going to be the one that makes it into your bag.
The only way to solve a dilemma is through intensive list making. Below are the pros and cons of both FUD’s that I have had the pleasure of urinating all over. As this is a competition I was forced to choose a winner and I did so on the travel – practicality of both products.
In Urinal #1 we have The SheWee
The SheWee has very slick marketing and comes in a pretty carrying case. My contact was always pleasant and her emails had juicy marketing blurbs right before the signature “FACT: Did you know that 1 Shewee is sold in the world every THREE minutes! Wow!”. Solid. Respect.
– slick marketing – (did I mention I like their marketing?)
– carrying case – nice touch.
– extension cord – a bit weird to have this, if the funnel worked properly, it wouldn’t be necessary.
– X front panties. Men in the UK wear Y fronts and this is SheWee’s clever response.
– teeny weeny peeny- Oh My. I don’t want to get into vagina-details here, but both myself and the anonymous bystander of the previous article What the FUD? were quite baffled as to how this is supposed to safely contain the stream.
– no upper lip on the “entry point” does not allow for cleaning. I tried, I poked myself.
in Urinal #2 we have The pStyle
the pStyle is a one piece funnel shaped FUD. The pStyle ladies were friendly and I had the pStyle to review within 7 days. What more could one ask for?
-the shape and size of the funnel leave no room for questions. everything is going where it’s supposed to
– it’s one piece, and the open top makes it very easy to clean all the way in one go
– the back end of the pStyle has a nice lip that can be used to make sure there are no drips left behind
-no carrying case makes me wonder if it’s going to leave my daybag smelling like pee if there’s no chance to wash it off
– it’s a bit difficult to hold the small tip of the funnel as it comes out *solved by placing my thumbs on the top of the ridge and letting it rip!
– do not hold the FUD at a back angle or you will redirect all your pee-pee all over your nether regions. Not cool.
– bend your knees a bit and think of waterfalls, or not having to wipe
– trust your FUD! If you’ve purchased the right product for you, have confidence that all will go well
– LIFT THE TOILET SEAT. It’s our turn to make sure we follow good bathroom etiquette
Ladies and Gentlemen — Without further ado I present the winner of the great comPEEtition: the pStyle!
'What’s the best Female Urinary Device? Glad You Asked…' have 17 comments
December 11, 2012 @ 5:25 pm Maja
Entering!!! I spent a great night with friends in front of Sacré Coeur one evening, but between a UTI and all the wine, my body was screaming. I went into a small garden to pop a squat and got a nasty scratch on my bum from a bush. Would love to avoid this in the future.
December 11, 2012 @ 5:26 pm Maja
P.S. All the colors are BEAUTIFUL! I guess I’d go with green.
December 13, 2012 @ 2:04 am Laurie Higginbotham
I am entering because I think this could be HIGHLY entertaining and a good thing to have in your car and I like you … I know I hate myself for liking you too .. and of course… pink if available or silver :O)
December 13, 2012 @ 7:25 am Lis
No more having to worry about the toilet seat being up…or there even being a toilet seat…or a toilet! I don’t know if the world is ready for this, can women be trusted to use this new power only for good?! No more balancing behind bushes or hovering over stinky squat toilets – bliss!
December 13, 2012 @ 7:28 am Lis
All the colours look exciting – but the silver looks faster so that’s my choice
December 13, 2012 @ 6:34 pm Laura
I’m entering because next year is my first time at Download festival and I’m terrified of public toilets – never mind those horrible portaloos! Used to go fishing with my dad when I was younger and the amount of times I’ve peed on myself while trying to go behind a bush. I really need one of these!
December 13, 2012 @ 9:26 pm Rebecca
Wow I found this site today and it surely sparked my interest! I am 62 years young and last year I got a motorcycle license! Now own a big yellow scooter that I take out on back country roads for full day rides. Bathrooms can be few and far between! And at my age my bladder is not as willing to wait on me to find a bathroom as it used to be. When it’s chilly I have to wear layers of clothing so it makes it almost impossible to squat without getting it all over my clothes.
My hubby never has a problem finding a tree to get behind! With this I could pick out a tree as well….won’t he be surprised to find me behind “His Tree” without dropping my pants!!! LOL
December 20, 2012 @ 10:08 pm Lisa M. Jones
i really love that green! like leaves, mint, shamrocks, etc…
January 24, 2013 @ 10:35 pm Jennett
I need 2 of these – one for me and one for my husband ! He is elderly, BIG, and this may help keep it off the floor! WHITE
April 26, 2013 @ 8:13 pm What to Pack: Backpacking South East Asia Holidays
[…] female urinary device that lets you pee standing up. Brandy from It’s One World Travel has an awesome review and you can buy one here. These are also very handy when you’re on an 8 hour bus journey and the […]
May 12, 2013 @ 10:59 pm Nicole
I don’t know if it is too late but I want to enter simply because I like peeing outside! I “pop squats” all the time but it simply is not the same to have to pull my pants all the way down to my ankles, exposing my nether regions and making them susceptible to the cold breeze. Also it is a hassle to worry about pissing on my clothes or splattering on my shoes! I want to pee like a man and i need an FUD!
October 24, 2013 @ 1:13 am Fotodare | What to Pack: Backpacking South East Asia Holidays
[…] female urinary device that lets you pee standing up. Brandy from It’s One World Travel has an awesome review and you can buy one here. These are also very handy when you’re on an 8 hour bus journey and the […]
December 15, 2013 @ 5:03 pm katie
One day i was on a road trip to see a stately home it was a five hour drive. I really needed to go and their was no toilets around so i held on and i ended up with a urine infection. It has put me off long drives. I also dislike squating in public toilets id much rather stand and pee. I am curious of whether the female stand to pee devices work not because i want to pee like a man but because it would be extremely useful in many situations.
i have no preference on the colour
January 12, 2014 @ 3:25 am Kenneth D. Kossow
I strongly recommend that you visit http://www.gottatinkle.com.
My wife and I use it regularly with our three girls ages 6, 8, and 10.
It works great, does not need to be cleaned because it is encapsulated by standard zipper-styled lunch baggies.
January 31, 2014 @ 4:29 pm Marie
Not a fan of the gottatinkle. Not only do you still have to pull down your pants but now you’ve got plastic bags full of pee to dispose of. Plastic never goes away. Sheewee or pstyle still have my vote.
January 31, 2014 @ 4:38 pm Marie
I’m doing RAGBRAI ( 7 day Bike Ride Across Iowa) this year along with 10,000 other people who will be riding their bikes up to 70 miles a day and camping in parks and school gyms. When the team has to go – I don’t want to be with the girls running deep into the bushes to hide our exposed butt); I’d rather line up with the guys and pee right along side of them. I’m also a kayaker who has had to hover my exposed parts over some pretty scary places. It would be nice not to have to get so close to nature ( and ant hills). My favorite color is blue but the green and orange are nice too.
August 26, 2014 @ 9:22 am Top 9 Southeast Asia Travel Essentials
[…] urinary device options that let you pee standing up. Brandy from It’s One World Travel has an awesome review on a few different styles but I prefer the Whiz Freedom for its shape and funnel. These are also […]