Spring Has Sprung and I’m Twitterpated

As if on cue, the flowers, birds bees, and every other living thing has sprung to life today. On my six kilometer walk into town I couldn’t help but feel just a little more alive…. right before I was almost a little more dead.

Being an ocean girl, I saw the gorgeous sea and wanted to walk along it into town. I couldn’t figure out why the locals wouldn’t do this themselves on such a gorgeous day, except for the treacherous walk down to the “shore”.

I jumped off the cliff – about four meters – down onto what appeared to be a pretty flat rock base.
Wrong! I was on jagged seabed, but it was pretty flat, so I hopped across rocks towards the shore, blissfully unaware of the impending pain my feet were about to experience.

Once I got to the water, the rocks were steep and craggy and unbelievably painful on the feet. I was determined to enjoy the water and air without caring about my feet, but soon it became apparent that unless I wanted to be rock climbing in my flip flops, I should head back up to the main road.

I painstakingly hopped, climbed, crawled and scooted my way back to the cliff I had originally jumped from, and all of a sudden it seemed much taller than 12 feet. I reached up for vines growing from the rock and used these to pull myself up as I got a footing in a convenient little hole in the rock. This hole was REALLY useful, until the snake popped his head out of it, right before I put my foot in his face. At this exact moment I also came to the realization that my hand was in an anthill. I’m still sure sure how I got back up the cliff in a millisecond, but I did. As soon as I got back to the top, I couldn’t help but laugh- THAT is why the locals don’t walk down there.

With that little hiccup out of the way, I was on to the Kastro village, which is built at the base of the ancient fortress & castle. A Stone City within tiny cobbled alleyways, such a charming place to explore for a few hours… I know I’ll be back to this magical little seaside city.

A very happy Spring to all my friends- enjoy the special day!

Brandy Bell loves adventuring around the world. She's been a solo female traveler since 2006 and has visited over 25 countries, made countless international friends, and now writes to inspire you to travel in a sustainable and responsible way.

'Spring Has Sprung and I’m Twitterpated' have 5 comments

  1. March 21, 2010 @ 9:37 am Nomadic Chick

    LOL. It’s certainly these little things (or big) that we discover while on a journey. Spring has opened up in Vancouver as well. I’ve been holed up at home with pink eye, so it as a lovely surprise to open my door the other day to singing birds and blooming flowers. 🙂


  2. March 21, 2010 @ 9:58 am Mom

    Your story today for some reason took my brain to the school yard, tether ball, and chain link fence story and made me laugh once again at the image of you dangling from the fence. You can always make me laugh. I’m glad you are having such an amazing time on your island and are willing to share all your funny mishaps with us. We love you Miss Brandy.


  3. March 22, 2010 @ 8:15 pm Mom as in the one who gave birth to you..

    Ha too funny! You would find a snake hole and ant hill at once. What, no shovel to hit yourself in the head with too? And people wonder why I worry.
    Glad you’re alive to laugh about it.


  4. March 31, 2010 @ 5:35 am Mary Myers

    Thx for sharing your adventure. Reminds me of the time I hiked Rocky Mountain National Park at dusk. I was on the far side of a mountain lake as dusk settled in, and thought …hmmmm…there are bears in those woods…what am I doing out here alone…?


    • April 1, 2010 @ 4:53 am livevicuriously

      I’ll tell you what you were doing out there alone with bears in the woods- you were LIVING YOUR LIFE girl! 🙂 Keep up the crazy antics 😉


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