Okay, I don’t have anything else that starts with W, but who isn’t a fan of alliteration? Today, I got a message from a friend asking about the impact of this trip on my life.
“How has this experience changed you, the way you think, who you are?”
As my travel friends know, you ask yourself these same questions many times on the road. Whether it be at 3am on the overnight bus when the driver is playing a Spanish backstreet boys CD on repeat. Or while sitting on a camel wondering if you’ll ever be able to stand up straight again, getting 2nd degree burns swimming in the rivers of Africa- this is the question that comes into your mind. Well at least it comes into my mind: How has this changed me?
The most noticeable difference to myself: I’m more patient. Living my life in the “now society” where I can get movies on demand, where Google has the answer to every question I can think, where my cell phone is a permanent extension of my hand, and where people take the time to update their Facebook status with “Suzie Q is shopping at Target” I was highly accustomed to getting what I want, when I want it, how I want it. The world was Burger King and I was going to have it my way, damnit.
However, last night I took an overnight bus that was supposed to take 8 hours, it wound up taking 14. I had a chicken on my lap for 3 hours. Then I held someone’s dirty sleeping, sweaty child for the remainder of the trip. The funny part? I didn’t mind. Okay, I wasn’t THRILLED when the chicken decided to shit on my lap, but hey- what choice did it have? The patience comes second nature to me now, it’s just life. But there are other things that require a daily practice on my part: self denial & understanding my wants versus needs.
I used to be spoiled – granted I spoiled myself – but nevertheless, I did not want for much, if anything. Now I face the daily battle of: Do I need this to live- to survive? I will gladly walk 2 miles to save 50 cents on oranges, hitch a ride to save 3 dollars on a bus, and drink tap water to save money on bottles (even if it wreaks temporary havoc on my body). Practices I used to look down on and call “cheap” in a derogatory manner (hey, I’m bein honest here) are now my motto.
But why? Not because I don’t have the money. I come from one of the richest places on this planet*, I spend more money on an airline ticket to travel for leisure than most people make in 6 months. I am lucky. I am spoiled even when I want for what I consider to be basic.
Preparing a salad in Portugal I was stopped mid-slice by a woman who put her hand on mine, and told me to stop wasting. I was shocked, hurt, and even offended. “Waste? I’m not wasting- I’m cutting an apple!” She picked up the pieces of the apple that I had put into the compost bin and said “this is food, we eat this” and proceeded to cut off around 1 Tablespoon of edible apple.
I scoffed. “It’s not really that much waste” I defended. She looked at me with what can only be described as disappointment and I understood immediately. “Not that much waste” to me, was more than she could afford. This is a small example of how little the concept of waste registered on my brain. Now, I try to be much more thoughtful in my actions and evaluate everything for what is usable and what is actually waste.
Clearly I could write for days on how I’ve changed in my heart, my mind, and my soul, but my favorite thing that has happened during this trip is a feeling of unity with the people of the world. I am able to understand and identify with many different cultures and mannerisms, regardless of the language spoke, the religion practiced or the color of their skin. I feel a true citizen of the world, and I am consumed with the journey to continue to learn more about the people I share this planet with.
*Dear USA friends, I know the country is in a recession and many people have lost their jobs due to no fault of their own and are struggling to make ends meet, but I can’t lie to you. We are rich and take for granted things most people will never have in their lives. Please remember this before leaving a comment to the effect of how poor you are because you can’t make your car payment. Respectfully.
'Wants, Waste, and something else that starts with W' have 8 comments
September 12, 2010 @ 4:28 am Tracy Carlton
Excellent, as always! And so very true….
September 12, 2010 @ 6:03 am livevicuriously
thanks woman! we’ll have to get together and zin a little when i get home
September 12, 2010 @ 5:04 am Debi
What-Have-You? Not necessarily to be posed as a question, but it seems a good candidate for the third alliterative “W” word in your title.
And, yeah, we have A LOT in the U.S. that we waste and/or take for granted. That reminder’s always useful, however it presents itself to us. Thank you.
September 12, 2010 @ 9:45 am Paula Swenson
Wisdom, dear one, the third W is wisdom, of which you have gained so much in your travels and share widely, whimsically and wonderfully!
So proud of you.
September 13, 2010 @ 11:57 pm Hydrojen
Awwww…. Paula beat me to it. She is right Miss Brandy…. <3 you !
Thanks for answering my question… I am enjoying watching the transition you are going through and all your fun and not always so fun experiences and adventures ! Like the titile of your blog … please don't stop sharing and educating… muahhh
September 24, 2010 @ 1:47 am Joanne
Amen, Sistah!
September 3, 2012 @ 9:42 pm Margita
hey what is your fb page?
September 4, 2012 @ 6:38 am brandy
hi Margita! the facebook link for It’s One World, Travel is https://www.facebook.com/ItsOneWorldTravel or you can use the handy dandy buttons on the top of the page which will take you to all your favorite social media sites