If you’re on this website, I am going to assume you have an interest in traveling.

Maybe it’s a fleeting idea that crossed your mind after watching The Beach…
or maybe you’re still replaying travel memories from a few years ago and want to make new ones.

This section is to inspire you to take your dreams and make them a reality.



Every day people just like you giving you the low down on what it’s like to travel.
How travel has changed them, what they’ve learned, what they’ve liked and disliked.
If you’re a real-live-human-being and have something worth saying, you’re welcome to chime in too.
I might even add your photo if you’re good looking. 😉


Inspirational travel quotes, because lots of other people have said it much better than I can.
Stop procrastinating, start traveling…
Sadly, these are not splayed across meaningful sunrise photographs or ocean scenes.


Travel has a way of opening up the world before you; highlighting the beauty as well as underlining the flaws. Every trip we take we have a chance to leave the world a little bit better than the way we found it. Through supporting companies that have strong ethical stances and choosing experiences that enrich rather than exploit the local area, you can really feel as though you’re leaving a piece of yourself in every place you visit.

Elephant Nature Park
HAVEN, Cambodia
Responsible Travel Tourism Chat

For more travel inspiration, check out my story of how I quit the office life and became a full-time world traveler. It’s on the right hand side of the page —>

What else would you like to see? Let me know, and I’ll make it happen.

If you’re totally inspired and know you want to travel but are not sure where to start, check out this page to give you some great ideas on rich cultural exchanges through programs like HelpX and Workaway.

Life is short, live it!

Thank you for stopping by, and please feel free to contact me with any questions or suggestions you have! Do you feel all pumped up and ready to hit the road? Go ahead and check everything off your backpacking list and live your dreams. :) Looking for more travel inspiration? Make sure to join our monthly newsletter which includes new travel resources, a photo essay and always something fun; even if you can't hit the road yet, I'll bring you traveling with me. Sign up now above! For all the legalese on the site check out My Disclaimer. Old Paper by

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It's One World. Travel.
Brandy Bell
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